Kingscourt Library – Council

The Kingscourt Branch of the public library will be sold to the Limestone District School Board.

Kingston City Council approved the sale last night and the construction of a new 3.3 million dollar library at the new Rideau Heights community centre.

The school board wants the land next to QECVI to allow it to plan for construction of a new high school and new elementary school.

 Hit and Run – Intentional

Kingston Police believe a woman was intentionally hit by a vehicle in downtown Kingston early Tuesday morning.  A 22 year old woman suffered serious injuries.

Police say a black pickup truck ran into the woman at Queen and Sydenham Streets around 2:40 yesterday morning and took off.  The woman was walking with friends.

Police believe the man driving the truck knew the woman and they are looking for one particular person.

Police said yesterday morning that the hit and run took place at Queen and Montreal Streets.

 Women – Worst and Best Cities

A new study by the Centre for Policy Alternatives ranks Kingston near the bottom of the list of the best places in Canada for a woman to live.

The Limestone city ranks 17th out of 25 cities.

Victoria, B.C is first and Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo is last.

The study found that when it comes to pay, jobs, and safety, men and women still don’t get equal treatment and is aimed at prompting communities to make changes to narrow the gap.

 Kingston – Emergency Communications Centre

Kingston will become the south-eastern Ontario regions communications coordination centre during emergencies like a major ice storm.

The federal government has announced the city will develop a system to share data and communications between police, fire and paramedics in the region from Belleville to Brockville.

It is one of 24 projects receiving a total of 24 million dollars in funding from the Canadian Safety and Security Program.

 Blue Dot

Kingston is officially a Blue Dot community.

Kingston City council unanimously passed a motion last night supporting David Suzuki’s environmental movement.

The movement is demanding the right to breathe fresh air drink clean water and eat healthy food legally recognized at all levels of government.

 Boehme – Child

Kingston City Council paused during its meeting last night to congratulate Councillor Ryan Boehme and his wife Jacqueline.

They are the proud parents of a daughter, born yesterday morning.

Council officially declared its best wishes for the new parents last night.

 Boy Lost – Found

Kingston Police and the public scrambled to get out the message about a missing five year old boy on Tuesday morning.

Police took to Twitter and Facebook to spread the word that the boy was missing in the Patrick and Railway Street area.

After a search of the area police returned to the boy’s home and found him – hiding in a box in the basement.