United Way

The United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington is about halfway to its 2015 Campaign Goal of $3.4 million.

The campaign thermometer hit 48% to finish out last week.

The total sits at one million – 638 thousand dollars.

The campaign wraps up on November 30th.

Alumni Award – Lenart

The accomplishments of a Queen’s University graduate who works in Kingston have been recognized with the University’s Distinguished Alumni Award.

Richard Lenart graduated from the Occupational Therapy program of 1995 and it was his 20th reunion weekend.  Lenart works as an occupational therapist for the Spinal Cord Injury Team at St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital in Kingston.

Flags of Remembrance

The community has come together to protect Canadian flags flying along Bayridge Drive as a tribute to military veterans after eight of the flags were stolen Thursday night.  One of the plaques with the name of a soldier who died was also torn off its post and tossed on the ground.  Kingston Police are still investigating.

The flags have been replaced and several groups organized patrols of the area.

One person even stood guard over the flags Friday night and was visited by others who brought food and coffee.

Teachers – Government Battle

The head of Ontario’s elementary teachers union says his members are not backing down from their threat to withdraw extracurricular activities next week even though bargaining talks are resuming.

Sam Hammond of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario says teachers won’t respond to threats.

Premier Kathleen Wynne warned that elementary teachers and support staff who are refusing to clear garbage from schools that they’ll have their pay docked if they don’t stop their work-to-rule campaigns.

Rain – Homecoming

Rain put a damper on street parties in the Queen’s student ghetto on the Saturday night of Homecoming weekend.  Kingston Police were out in force in the area and say the university organized Reunion Street Festival and concert also helped.  It attracted a crowd estimated at five thousand.

Police did shut down Aberdeen Street on Saturday afternoon after it was littered with broken glass and red cups.

16 people were arrested during the day and 180 people were issued tickets…mostly for liquor violations. Police say not all of those charged or arrested were Queen’s students.

Pita Pit Bursary

Pita Pit is giving back to Queen’s University.

The highly successful franchise started in Kingston 20 years ago and founder Nelson Lang has announced it is donating $104,000 to establish a bursary for students attending Queen’s.

The money will be used to fund a $3,500 bursary to cover tuition and other costs.