Woolen Mill Standoff

A scare at the Woolen Mill building is over after the Kingston Police tactical team determined a man had entered the building last night with a replica rifle and there was no risk to the public.

Police received a 911 call shortly before nine last night describing a man carrying what appeared to be a rifle or shotgun entering the building at the foot of Cataraqui Street.

Police made sure the three people working at the Whig Standard were out of the building and were able to make contact with the man around 11:30 last night.

They confirmed he had entered the building with a non-functioning replica firearm as reference for art and design purposes.  Tactical officers entered the building and seized a number of what are believed to be replica firearms. The man was released and police left the area shortly after midnight.

Another Gun Call

While police were wrapping up the situation at the Woolen Mill they got another gun call.

Shortly after midnight police were called to a restaurant on the 500 block of Princess Street where a man claiming to be a police officer had threatened staff and shown them butt of gun in the belt of his pants.

A 44 year old man was arrested and a pellet gun was recovered.

The man is facing charges of uttering threats, possession of weapon dangerous to public peace and impersonating a police officer.

Break and Enter – Arrest

A 33 year old Kingston man has a date for a bail hearing today after being arrested for break and enter and possession of stolen property.

Police spotted the man – he ran – but was arrested shortly before six last night in the Joseph Street area.

Repeat Impaired

A 24 year old Kingston woman who just got out of jail after serving time for impaired driving has been arrested again.  Kingston Police responded to a call from the public about a possible impaired driver at 2:00 a.m. today.  Police stopped a vehicle and arrested the driver.

The woman blew three times over the legal limit and will appear in court today for a bail hearing.

Murney Tower Haunted

The Canadian Haunting and Paranormal Society says it still has to analyze the evidence but there are indications the Murney Tower National Historic Site in Kingston might be haunted.

Investigators from the society spent Saturday night collecting evidence with their diagnostic equipment.

They heard some footsteps and found active electromagnetic fields and one investigator said they felt a hand on their arm.  The tower built in 1846 is located at King and Barrie Streets and is now a museum.

Reactor Lab

Queen’s University is officially opening a new Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory tomorrow.

It’s a new research facility for the Queen’s Nuclear Materials Group in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.  The facility is located at 136 Grant Timmins Drive. Researchers will use accelerator technology to investigate how materials respond to stress and temperature inside a nuclear reactor.  The goal is to develop and maintain safer and more efficient nuclear reactors.

Chuck E. Cheese Closing

A fixture for kid’s food and parties is closing its doors in Kingston.

Chuck E. Cheeses will close on September 7th.  The company says the Kingston franchise isn’t included in its plans for future growth.