The Breakout Project: Sam Roberts Band


May 12


Springer Market Square, Kingston


In partnership with the City of Kingston, Sam Roberts Band isset to take the stage during the closing celebration of The Breakout Project, Canada’s biggest social innovation event. The free concert will be held the evening of Friday, May 12, 2017 in Kingston’s Springer Market Square.
Winners of multiple Juno Awards, Sam Roberts Band’s universal, cross-disciplinary appeal makes it an ideal choice for The Breakout Project. In a remarkable co-incidence, the new album Terraform was recorded near Kingston, at The Tragically Hip’s studio, the Bathouse. The album achieves something far greater than the sum of its individual elements – just as The Breakout Project aims to do.
The Breakout Project is Canada’s biggest 48-hour social innovation event. An extraordinary and ambitious event, it aims to unite some of the world’s most innovative and inventive minds to participate and collaborate in one monumental challenge: to kick-start projects that will make our planet a better place for all.
Grant Goodwin, CEO, Innovate Kingston, comments: “The Breakout Project is fundamentally about creativity and innovation in the service of the human condition. We are thrilled that Sam Roberts Band will stand by us to share what’s best and most exhilarating about caring enough to be present, engaged, and ardent in the world of today. And it must be said, they totally rock.”
The public is invited to participate or attend from May 10-12, 2017 in Kingston, Ontario. For more information visit and


About The Breakout Project Combining a business conference with a hackathon in live reality TV / e-sports format, The Breakout Project is a new, immersive innovation experience that allows global visionaries – including Patagonia’s, Jeff Johnson; Co-founder Real Ventures, JS Cournoyer, Tara McCallan; Happy Soul Project, Kaj Arnö Global tech expert – mentors and attendees to participate, learn and connect unlike ever before. Over 48 hours, teams will compete in Canada’s biggest social innovation event. Participants will work around the clock to kickstart year-long social good projects designed to improve our community, society and planet. Thousands of attendees will rally behind teams while millions more will show their support online through social media and live stream video. Each social enterprise team competes to raise both human and financial capital required to take their project from idea to reality – in just one year. Attendees, visionary speakers, mentors and


Free Event